Abusive Relationships : Coercion, Exploitation + Control PSHE Lesson

Abusive Relationships : Coercion, Exploitation + Control PSHE Lesson

Author: EC Publishing

2 HOURS - New PSHE lesson focusing on how to recognise abusive relationships, how people end up in them, why people can become abusive, what we mean by coercive control and exploitation and where to go for help. The lesson contains a wide variety of activities, from case studies and clip tasks, to analysis, literacy, creative tasks and more.

2 HOURS - New PSHE lesson focusing on how to recognise abusive relationships, how people end up in them, why people can become abusive, what we mean by coercive control and exploitation and where to go for help. The lesson contains a wide variety of activities, from case studies and clip tasks, to analysis, literacy, creative tasks and more.