British Values - Mutual Tolerance and Respect

British Values - Mutual Tolerance and Respect

Author: EC Publishing
A British Values lesson all about the core value of mutual tolerance and respect. Students will explore Britain's journey to establishing these values, place them in context with our other fundamental values, complete creative, literacy, clip-based and analytical tasks as well as exploring their own opinions on why we still need these core values so much today. Lats one hour, all editable, best suited to KS3.

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A British Values lesson all about the core value of mutual tolerance and respect. Students will explore Britain's journey to establishing these values, place them in context with our other fundamental values, complete creative, literacy, clip-based and analytical tasks as well as exploring their own opinions on why we still need these core values so much today. Lats one hour, all editable, best suited to KS3.

Looking to save money? Check out this resource and more in our new value bundles. You can save up to 50%.