Mental Health Introduction PSHE Lesson

Mental Health Introduction PSHE Lesson

Author: EC Publishing

A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 1 hour lesson introducing the concept of mental health and mental health issues. The lesson allows students to explore common reasons why we can all experience mental health issues sometimes, where we can go for help, and the importance of sharing our worries with trusted adults. This is best suited for KS2 - but could be used with a Year 7 group too (especially a lower ability one). This lesson is editable, so easy to adapt for your own planning.

Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.

A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 1 hour lesson introducing the concept of mental health and mental health issues. The lesson allows students to explore common reasons why we can all experience mental health issues sometimes, where we can go for help, and the importance of sharing our worries with trusted adults. This is best suited for KS2 - but could be used with a Year 7 group too (especially a lower ability one). This lesson is editable, so easy to adapt for your own planning.

Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.