Fake News - Being a Discerning Consumer of Information

Fake News - Being a Discerning Consumer of Information

Author: EC Publishing
A two hour-long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHCE lesson suitable for KS2 which allows students to explore the how we can spot fake news and be discerning consumers of information. Students will discover the extent to which fake news has spread through modern media as well as investigating how social media can promote misinformation and finally learn how exactly search engines work and decide which content to present us with.There are literacy tasks, match up tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more.

Looking to save money? Check out this new 'Living in the Wider World' value bundle.
A two hour-long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHCE lesson suitable for KS2 which allows students to explore the how we can spot fake news and be discerning consumers of information. Students will discover the extent to which fake news has spread through modern media as well as investigating how social media can promote misinformation and finally learn how exactly search engines work and decide which content to present us with.There are literacy tasks, match up tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more.

Looking to save money? Check out this new 'Living in the Wider World' value bundle.