Climate Change and Our Environment - Part 1
Teacher note - you can find part 2 here: Part 2
This hour-long, detailed, fully resourced PSHCE lesson suitable for KS2. The students will explore climate change, the reasons behind it, and the effect of this on our environment.
Students will explore the issues posed by fuel consumption, pollution and use of plastics before creating a climate change foldable. There are literacy tasks, match up tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more.
Looking to save money? Check out this new 'Living in the Wider World' value bundle.
Teacher note - you can find part 2 here: Part 2
This hour-long, detailed, fully resourced PSHCE lesson suitable for KS2. The students will explore climate change, the reasons behind it, and the effect of this on our environment.
Students will explore the issues posed by fuel consumption, pollution and use of plastics before creating a climate change foldable. There are literacy tasks, match up tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more.
Looking to save money? Check out this new 'Living in the Wider World' value bundle.