Drugs and Medicines
Drugs and Medicines
Drugs and medicines PSHE Lesson. A one hour-long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson suitable for KS2. This lesson allows students to investigate different types of drugs and medicines that are common to everyday life. The students will identify different types of drugs and describe some of the effects that they can have on our bodies. We will discuss the importance of taking medicines correctly and ways that we can stay safe. The lesson includes literacy tasks, match up tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.
Drugs and medicines PSHE Lesson. A one hour-long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson suitable for KS2. This lesson allows students to investigate different types of drugs and medicines that are common to everyday life. The students will identify different types of drugs and describe some of the effects that they can have on our bodies. We will discuss the importance of taking medicines correctly and ways that we can stay safe. The lesson includes literacy tasks, match up tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.