Abortion - the arguments for and against
One - two hour, detailed and fully resourced lesson which introduces the different religious opinions on abortion. Students will examine statements ad quotations from different religions and religious texts, then using their information sheets and completed clip tasks (all provided) they will complete a differentiated case study table to assess their learning. They will then complete a literacy focus task before taking part in a debate, informed by their learning throughout the lesson. Everything is editable too. This resource pack includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, case studies, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets.
One - two hour, detailed and fully resourced lesson which introduces the different religious opinions on abortion. Students will examine statements ad quotations from different religions and religious texts, then using their information sheets and completed clip tasks (all provided) they will complete a differentiated case study table to assess their learning. They will then complete a literacy focus task before taking part in a debate, informed by their learning throughout the lesson. Everything is editable too. This resource pack includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, case studies, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets.