Tutor Time & SMSC
Tutor Time and SMSC resources. Perfect for busy teachers who need engaging, well-differentiated, customisable educational materials and lesson plans.
More are uploaded every day - keep checking back for more free lessons!
All our teaching resources are three-way differentiated and can be used straight away, or if you want to customise them, everything is editable so you can adapt them to suit your school. Available for single teacher licence or unlimited teacher licence so you can share with all your colleagues.
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Social Media & Fear of Missing Out - KS3 (Lower ability & SEN)
A one hour lesson suitable for KS3 (lower ability or Year 7), all about what FOMO is (fear of missing...
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Social Media and Self Esteem
1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson which investigates the impact social media and our social media profiles have on our...
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Special Days Wall Calendar / Poster
A detailed calendar which includes all the essential special days of the academic year 2022 - 2023 that any PSHE...
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STEM Careers
1 hour, fully resourced careers lesson which investigates why it’s great to pursue a career in STEM and how the...
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Summer End of Term Quiz 2024
The **Ultimate** 2024 End of Year Quiz - ALL NEW - fun and silly, summer quiz for 2024. A huge...
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Tattoos and Piercings PSHE Lesson
Tattoos and Piercings PSHE Lesson Resources. An hour long, fully resourced lesson focusing on the potential short and long term...
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The Far Left, Antifa and Extremism
A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 2 hour lesson which could be used over a week of Tutor Time. Students will...
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The US Election 2020
A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 2 hour lesson which could be used over a week of Tutor Time. Students will...
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Toxic and Positive Masculinity
Toxic Masculinity vs Positive Masculinity - an hour long, fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated PSHE lesson, created specifically for the new...
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Transition - All about me!
A fun back to school activity for new classes. The students fill in the different sections of the cup of...
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Transition to secondary school lesson
A fun and easy to use ‘Transition to secondary school’ lesson for Year 7. This first day back lesson is...
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Tutor Time - 3 Year's Worth of Resources
NOW 3 YEARS of Tutor Time resources - highly rated, differentiated and engaging sessions. Everything you need to keep form...
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Tutor Time Activity Booklet
A 20 page activity pack for Tutor Time that can be given to students to get on with independently -...
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Ultimate Summer Quiz 2023
THE ULTIMATE SUMMER QUIZ 2023 - A fun and silly end of year quiz for 2023. A huge range of...
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Writing Personal Statements
For the Gatsby Benchmark Careers Guidelines. 2 hour, fully resourced lesson on writing personal statements. The lesson is divided into...