Online Reputation / E-Reputation Digital Footprints - Careers / PSHE Lesson

Online Reputation / E-Reputation Digital Footprints - Careers / PSHE Lesson

Author: EC Publishing

New, double lesson all about how we appear to others online and how poor presentation can taint an employer's view of us. Over 90% of employers admit to screening potential candidates' social media, so in this lesson students will examine exactly why employers do this, and what they're looking for. Students will then assess case studies of seven teenagers with questionable or positive social media profiles, giving advice on how they can improve and what should not be posted or should remain private. They will then assess tweets from celebrities and politicians that either made them lose their jobs, or made them lose face in the public eye, investigating why and what we can learn from these. Includes a wide variety of activities, detailed editable PowerPoint and worksheets and information pack.

New, double lesson all about how we appear to others online and how poor presentation can taint an employer's view of us. Over 90% of employers admit to screening potential candidates' social media, so in this lesson students will examine exactly why employers do this, and what they're looking for. Students will then assess case studies of seven teenagers with questionable or positive social media profiles, giving advice on how they can improve and what should not be posted or should remain private. They will then assess tweets from celebrities and politicians that either made them lose their jobs, or made them lose face in the public eye, investigating why and what we can learn from these. Includes a wide variety of activities, detailed editable PowerPoint and worksheets and information pack.