Physical Health and Symptoms of Illnesses
Physical Health and Symptoms of Illnesses
Physical Health and early symptoms of illness UKS2 PSHE Lesson. This 1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson serves as an introduction to maintaining physical health through healthy eating and exercise - and also how to spot signs of some of the most common illnesses early. This lesson has been created to cover the DfE / PSHE Association’s latest guidelines for 2020.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.
Physical Health and early symptoms of illness UKS2 PSHE Lesson. This 1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson serves as an introduction to maintaining physical health through healthy eating and exercise - and also how to spot signs of some of the most common illnesses early. This lesson has been created to cover the DfE / PSHE Association’s latest guidelines for 2020.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.
Looking to save money? Check out this new health and wellbeing value bundle.