PSHE Workbook : Marriage + Civil Partnerships
PSHE Workbook : Marriage + Civil Partnerships
This detailed 23 page PSHE / RSE workbook has been created for the new PSHE / RSE and Health 2020 Statutory Guidance and focuses on marriage, civil partnerships, long term relationships (such as co-habitation) and commitment. It contains all of the information needed to learn about the topic in the first few pages, then the rest of the booklet is full of activities to complete.
This detailed 23 page PSHE / RSE workbook has been created for the new PSHE / RSE and Health 2020 Statutory Guidance and focuses on marriage, civil partnerships, long term relationships (such as co-habitation) and commitment. It contains all of the information needed to learn about the topic in the first few pages, then the rest of the booklet is full of activities to complete.