Statutory PSHE + RSE 2020 Tracker KS3 + KS4
This tracker displays all of the new statutory PSHE, RSE and Health guidelines down the left hand side (from the DfE) then the optional code references for how the PSHE Association has broken these down into further, optional content (linked on the document). On the right hand side there are five columns that can be filled in for Year groups 7-11 to show where in each half term the guidance is met. This has been created from the audit made Brian Reeve-Hayes, PSHE Specialist and consultant.
It is currently filed in showing how you the EC Resources Complete PSHE Packs covers all the new statutory guidelines for 2020 PSHE for Years 7 - 11. The Excel document has been left editable, however, so anyone can also use it for their own PSHE and RSE planning too, filling it in with their own coverage against the different standards.
This tracker displays all of the new statutory PSHE, RSE and Health guidelines down the left hand side (from the DfE) then the optional code references for how the PSHE Association has broken these down into further, optional content (linked on the document). On the right hand side there are five columns that can be filled in for Year groups 7-11 to show where in each half term the guidance is met. This has been created from the audit made Brian Reeve-Hayes, PSHE Specialist and consultant.
It is currently filed in showing how you the EC Resources Complete PSHE Packs covers all the new statutory guidelines for 2020 PSHE for Years 7 - 11. The Excel document has been left editable, however, so anyone can also use it for their own PSHE and RSE planning too, filling it in with their own coverage against the different standards.