STI's - Clinics, Health, Advice and Treatment
1 hour lesson created for the new 2020 PSHE guidelines all about STIs, STI clinics (GUM clinics), the importance of testing, where we can access help, advice and treatment, difficult conversations in relationships and how to approach them, the effects of different STIs and how we can keep excellent sexual health. This resource pack includes a one hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets, creative tasks and optional progress sheets. The resources are all in the ZIP file, the images have been uploaded so you can clearly see an example on Tes of some of the contents.
1 hour lesson created for the new 2020 PSHE guidelines all about STIs, STI clinics (GUM clinics), the importance of testing, where we can access help, advice and treatment, difficult conversations in relationships and how to approach them, the effects of different STIs and how we can keep excellent sexual health. This resource pack includes a one hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets, creative tasks and optional progress sheets. The resources are all in the ZIP file, the images have been uploaded so you can clearly see an example on Tes of some of the contents.