Extra-curricular activities and personal statements careers lesson

Extra-curricular activities and personal statements careers lesson

Author: EC Publishing

For the Gatsby Benchmark Careers Guidelines. 1 hour fully resourced careers lesson focusing on how the extra curricular activities students have completed and their personal qualities can be used to create fantastic personal statements. Equally, this could be used to help with university applications. The lesson sees students complete a personality and skills audit, team group activities, individual tasks, clip tasks, create example paragraphs for a personal statement and and is perfect for a PSHE / Citizenship careers unit.

For the Gatsby Benchmark Careers Guidelines. 1 hour fully resourced careers lesson focusing on how the extra curricular activities students have completed and their personal qualities can be used to create fantastic personal statements. Equally, this could be used to help with university applications. The lesson sees students complete a personality and skills audit, team group activities, individual tasks, clip tasks, create example paragraphs for a personal statement and and is perfect for a PSHE / Citizenship careers unit.