All our FREE resources are free to download, use and share. Ideal for those busy teachers who need engaging, customisable teaching materials.
All our teaching resources can be used straight away, or if you want to customise them, everything is editable so you can make them your own.
All our teaching resources can be used straight away, or if you want to customise them, everything is editable so you can make them your own.
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Sexual Harassment Introductory Lesson - Year 6
Sexual harassment - what is it and why do we need to learn about it? In this lesson, the students will...
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Special Days Calendar
Free special days calendar for the notable PSHE/Pastoral dates for 23-24. This can be printed out as an A3 poster...
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FGM and the Law 2023 PSHE lesson
A lesson to raise awareness and encourage reporting of the harmful and dangerous practice of FGM. Also includes information on...
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Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight - A 1-hour, all new global Citizenship lesson suitable for KS2. In this lesson, the students will learn how...
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Accessing appropriate health services PSHE lesson
A lesson designed to cover the PSHE Association's guidance concerning becoming a confident user of the NHS and accessing appropriate...
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Safer Internet Day 2023 - Life Online
Safer Internet Day 2023 - A 1-2-hour, all new PSHE online safety lesson suitable for KS2. The topic for this...
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Sexual Harassment and Stalking PSHE Lesson
A fully-resourced lesson all about what stalking and harassment are, how they can seriously affect people’s lives and the misconception...
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Celebrating Masculinity PSHE Lesson
New edition, all new content. A detailed, differentiated and editable PSHE lesson all about the best qualities and traits of...
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Healthy diet on a budget PSHE lesson
New edition, all new content. A detailed, differentiated and editable PSHE lesson which meets all the latest PSHE guidelines and...
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New! Personal Space - EYFS/Reception
Personal space EYFS PSHE lesson. A detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson suitable for EYFS/Reception age children. Created by our early years...
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Rishi Sunak Assembly - Our New PM
Rishi Sunak - Democracy / British Values AssemblyAn assembly all about our new PM, Rishi Sunak. Linked to British values,...
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Revenge Porn PSHE Lesson (includes upskirting)
Updated to include ‘upskirting’. 1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson which investigates Revenge Porn - what we can do to...
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Suffragettes - Women's Rights Lesson
A detailed and well differentiated, one hour, editable history lesson all about the Suffragettes and their activism methods which led...
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Sustainability and Carbon Footprints
1 hour, fully resourced lesson all about sustainability and our carbon footprints. The lesson investigates the harmful effect of excess...
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Criminal Justice System Citizenship lesson
British Values / Citizenship lesson. An hour long, fully resourced lesson with all about the structure and workings of the...
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Sexuality PSHE Lesson
1 hour, fully resourced KS5 PSHE lesson which focuses on the ‘plus’ of LGBT+ and has a focus on asexuality,...
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Black History Month Assembly.
A little bit different Black History Month assembly, with a focus on why we don’t have a ‘white history month’...
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Applying to college or university PSHE lesson
An hour long, fully resourced KS4 PSHE lesson focusing on the benefits and cost-effectiveness of further education and the university...
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Cultural Appropriation PSHE Lesson
A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 1 hour - 90 min lesson which investigates the concept of cultural appropriation and why...
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Male Body Image PSHE Lesson
PSHE / RSE 2022 resources: 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. A resource focusing on the sometimes...
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Suicide Mental Health Lesson PSHE
An hour long, fully resourced PSHE lesson with a focus on suicide and suicide prevention. The lesson is filled with...
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Cancer Awareness PSHE lesson
A fully-resourced PSHE lesson all about what cancer is, how it develops, why it can spread, the preventative measures we...
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First Aid and Personal Safety
Personal Safety and First Aid PSHE Lesson resources. 1x hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated and easily adapted.
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Careers - Entrepreneurs and Enterprise
Detailed careers lesson about the skills and qualities of entrepreneurs - also useful for Citizenship PSHE. Includes a 1 hour...
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Fracking and the environment
Fracking and the environment Recently updated for 2024! A detailed, differentiated and editable 1-2 hour lesson all about fracking and the...
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Money and the Cost of Living
Money and the Cost of Living PSHE lesson.Newly updated for 2024, this detailed, differentiated and editable 1 hour lesson investigates the cost of...
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Special Days Wall Calendar / Poster
A detailed calendar which includes all the essential special days of the academic year 2022 - 2023 that any PSHE...
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Strengths and Interests - KS1 - (Year 1/Year 2)
Strengths and interests KS1 PSHE lesson. A one-hour long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson suitable for KS1. This lesson has been...
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Kindness KS1/Year 2
Kindness KS1 PSHE lesson. A one-hour long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson suitable for KS1. This lesson has been created...
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KS3 KS4 PSHE Assessment Ideas Pack
USE FOR ANY TOPIC! Booklets of mark-schemes, mastery assessment ideas and other grading templates for assessing progress in PSHE. These...
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Russian Invasion of Ukraine
A detailed, differentiated and editable 1 hour lesson which could be used over a week of Tutor Time, with literacy...
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The Human Body - Naming Body Parts KS1/Year 2
The human body - naming body parts including the correct names for the external genitalia KS1 PSHE lesson. A one-hour long,...