Tutor Time & SMSC
Tutor Time and SMSC resources. Perfect for busy teachers who need engaging, well-differentiated, customisable educational materials and lesson plans.
More are uploaded every day - keep checking back for more free lessons!
All our teaching resources are three-way differentiated and can be used straight away, or if you want to customise them, everything is editable so you can adapt them to suit your school. Available for single teacher licence or unlimited teacher licence so you can share with all your colleagues.
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1 Year of Statutory KS3 Citizenship and British Values
A whole year's worth of KS3 Citizenship resources! 36 hours of x fully resourced, detailed, hour-long lessons and units of...
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Abusive Relationships PSHE Lesson
Abusive relationships / domestic abuse RSE / PSHE lesson on what this consists of, how to recognise the signs and...
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Animal Rights Lesson
1 hour, fully resourced PSHCE lesson which focuses on animal rights, sustainability, the meat industry and our changing diets. The...
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Apprenticeships - Careers + Employability Lesson
1 hour fully resourced Careers lesson focusing on apprenticeships - what these are, why they are suitable for lots of...
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Are we in a Culture War? Media Influence
A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 2 hour lesson about why some people say we are living through a ‘culture war.’...
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Aspiration and Achievement Assembly
An achievement and aspiration assembly with a focus on achievement. It lasts about 15-20 minutes if clips are watched and...
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Attendance Assembly
An assembly all about the importance of attendance and punctuality. It lasts around 15-20 mins (inc clip) and explores why...
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Behaviour Assembly
An assembly which focuses on why positive attitudes towards learning and good behaviour are essential in order for students to...
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Bereavement + Grief PSHE Lesson
An hour long, fully resourced lesson, used with Year 10 (but could be used with other year groups) for the...
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Big PSHE Quiz
For any secondary year group as a fun quiz, or informal PSHE assessment. Great as last lesson for the end...
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Binge Drinking PSHE Lesson
1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson which investigates the damage binge drinking does to our bodies. The lesson includes an...
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Black History Month - Black and British
A detailed resource pack which would be used over a week of Tutor Time or for Citizenship. The pack includes...
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Black History Month 2x Tutor Time Sessions
Part 1) Were the first Britons Black? This part has been created to spark your students’ interest in the origins...
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Body Image - KS3 (Lower ability & SEN)
A one hour - 90 min long lesson suitable for lower ability KS3, or Year 7 class, all about the...
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Brexit - Should we have a second referendum?
A double Tutor Time session (50 mins) all about whether the UK should have a second referendum - this time...
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Brexit - The Irish Back-Stop
A double Tutor Time session (50 mins) all about what the Irish Back-Stop is and what this would mean for...
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Bullying - Introduction Lesson KS3 (Lower ability & SEN)
A one hour lesson suitable for Year 7 or lower ability KS3, all about what bullying is, the different types,...
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Careers + Employability - Literacy and Numeracy Skills
For the Gatsby Benchmark Careers Guidelines. 1 hour fully resourced careers lesson focusing on why literacy and numeracy skills are...
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Careers - Planning my career
1 hour, fully resourced careers lesson which introduces the concept of careers, jobs and vocations before investigating the best ways...
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Careers / Post 16 FE Options
Three hour pack designed for KS4 / KS5 to help them focus on their post-16 options, from applying to univeristy...
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Careers and Employability Skills Quiz
For any secondary year group as a part of a Careers unit, or as an informal PSHE / Careers assessment....
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Careers using English, Maths and Science
Three hours of lessons all about the careers paths students can choose to follow in the core subjects. This pack...
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Christmas Quiz 2024
The ULTIMATE 2024 End of Year / Christmas quiz - ALL NEW - fun and silly end of year quiz...
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Citizenship - Politics and Government - 5 KS3 Lessons
A short unit of 4 hours of fully resourced lessons and a quiz. All very detailed and well differentiated, complete...
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Class A Drugs Awareness and Addiction Lesson
2 HOUR LESSON, fully-resourced PSHE lesson all about Class A Drugs - from heroin, ecstasy and crack to krokodil and...
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Class C and Prescription Drug Abuse Lesson
1 hour fully-resourced PSHE lesson all about Class C and precription drugs and drug abuse (steroids, benzodiazepines, tramadol, khat, GHB...
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Climate Change Lesson
A fully-resourced lesson all about what climate change is, how global warming happens and what causes it, the environmental effects...
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Coercive and Controlling Relationships RSE / PSHE Lesson
A fully-resourced PSHE / RSE lesson all about what constitutes coercive and controlling relationships, the red flags, how the abuse...
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Consent and Rape
1 hour, fully resourced lesson which establishes the importance of consent and clear sexual boundaries. It investigates the different types...
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Cosmetic Surgery Risks Lesson
Cosmetic surgery and surgical enhancements PSHE - a one hour, fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated PSHE lesson, created specifically for the...
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County Lines, Drugs and Gangs
TWO HOUR, fully resourced PSHE lesson which introduces the concept of County Lines and how gangs exploit and groom young...