

Citizenship GCSE AQA and GCSE Citizenship Edexcel resources, lesson packs, revision and exam practice materials and more.

We also supply Key Stage 3 Citizenship lesson plans and resources for all year groups. Ideal for those busy teachers who need engaging, customisable teaching materials.

More are uploaded every day - keep checking back for more free lessons - OCR coming in the near future too.

All our teaching resources are three-way differentiated and can be used straight away, or if you want to customise them, everything is editable so you can adapt them to suit your school. Available for single teacher licence or unlimited teacher licence so you can share with all your colleagues.

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Sources of Law - AQA Citizenship GCSE
A detailed and well differentiated lesson for AQA Citizenship GCSE 9-1 - ‘Rights and Responsibilities'. This lesson focuses on fundamental...
Sources of Law - Edexcel Citizenship
A detailed and well differentiated lesson for Edexcel Citizenship GCSE 9-1 - ‘Law and Justice’ (Theme C). This lesson focuses...
Special Days Wall Calendar / Poster
A detailed calendar which includes all the essential special days of the academic year 2022 - 2023 that any PSHE...
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Strikes and Trade Unions Citizenship
A detailed, differentiated and editable Citizenship lesson which will last you roughly an hour (possibly an hour and a half)...
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Suffragettes - Women's Rights Lesson
A detailed and well differentiated, one hour, editable history lesson all about the Suffragettes and their activism methods which led...
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Sustainability - why do we need to consume our resources responsibly? A detailed, editable 1 hour lesson all about sustainability and...
Sustainability and Carbon Footprints
1 hour, fully resourced lesson all about sustainability and our carbon footprints. The lesson investigates the harmful effect of excess...
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Terrorism, Holy War and Extreme Religious Groups
A one hour RE lesson focusing on religion, holy war and terrorism. This was used in for GCSE RS Thematic...
The Economy - PSHE / Citizenship / Finance Lesson
New edition, all new content. A detailed, differentiated and editable PSHE/Citizenship/Finance lesson which meets all the latest 2020-2022 PSHE guidelines...
The Equality Act 2010 + Discrimination PSHE Careers
Two hour lesson with a focus on why we need the Equality Act 2010 and prejudice and discrimination. The lesson...
The Far Left, Antifa and Extremism
A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 2 hour lesson which could be used over a week of Tutor Time. Students will...
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The Judiciary, Judges and Magistrates - Edexcel Citizenship
A detailed and well differentiated lesson which covers both content for Edexcel Citizenship GCSE 9-1 - Theme C ‘Law and...
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Queen's Platinum Jubilee lesson for KS3/4. In this lesson, the students will explore the reasons why we are celebrating the...
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The Suffragettes - Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?
A detailed and well differentiated, one hour, editable history lesson all about the Suffragettes and their activism methods which lead...
The UK Constitution Edexcel Citizenship GCSE
2 hour detailed and well-differentiated lesson which covers the Edexcel Citizenship GCSE spec for Theme B – Democracy at work...
The US Election 2020
A fully-resourced, detailed and differentiated 2 hour lesson which could be used over a week of Tutor Time. Students will...
Tolerating Intolerance (Radicalisation and Extremism lesson)
A lesson all about whether a tolerant society has to tolerate some intolerant views (in order to be truly tolerant)....
Transition - All about me!
A fun back to school activity for new classes. The students fill in the different sections of the cup of...
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Tutor Time - 3 Year's Worth of Resources
NOW 3 YEARS of Tutor Time resources - highly rated, differentiated and engaging sessions. Everything you need to keep form...
Tutor Time Activity Booklet
A 20 page activity pack for Tutor Time that can be given to students to get on with independently -...
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UK Constitution AQA Citizenship GCSE
2 hour detailed and well-differentiated lesson which covers the AQA Citizenship GCSE spec for Politics and Paricipation. In particular these...
UK Constitution AQA GCSE
For AQA Citizenship GCSE, Politics and Participation. The lesson includes a 2 hour detailed PowerPoint, information sheets, differentiated activity worksheets,...
UK Government - An Introduction
A Citizenship lesson which is an introduction into how the British governmental system operates, from the constituents to the MPs...
Vaping Dangers Year 6
Vaping - what is it and why is it so dangerous? In this lesson, the students will revisit their previous knowledge...
Volunteering - Careers and Employment / PSHE Lesson
A one hour lesson for teens explaining why volunteering is important and how it ,may help them have the edge...
Voting Systems - First Past the Post and Proportional Representation
A very detailed Citizenship lesson which compares different systems of voting (FPTP and PR) and electoral systems, broken down in...
What is Fake News?
What is fake news? This hour-long, detailed, fully resourced PSHCE lesson is suitable for students across KS2, but it has...
What is globalisation?
One hour, fully resourced lesson which introduces the concept of globalisation and the positives and negatives of this world development,...
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Why is communiity important? PSHE Lesson
NEW PSHE / Citizenship lesson all about what communities are, why they are beneficial to us, how our mental health...
Youth Courts and Youth Justice System - Edexcel Citizenship GCSE
A detailed and well differentiated lesson which covers both content for Edexcel Citizenship GCSE 9-1 - Theme C ‘Law and...